Thursday, March 19, 2009

Saving the world

Can it be done? Will we ever accept that we are all children of God? We are all alike no matter how we try to divide ourselves. I know a woman I will call C whom I admire a great deal. She yearns to save the world. Her choice was to adopt a baby born addicted to drugs and raise him as her own. She has struggled a great deal. He has issues inherited from his birth mother which make him more difficult than the average child. Yet C still strives. She is responsible. She is a respected professional. This adoption was her way of making the world better. I ask myself if I could do more.

I was drawn to the legal profession because of the ability to affect change and help people. I am drawn to the marginalized people in our world. Those in jail ,mentally ill, poor, elderly or disabled. My clients are not people you would ordinarily invite to cocktail parties. I try to help those that I can. But what of the ones I cannot help? I sometimes feel guilty that I don't do more but then I remember my first duty to my husband and daughter. I sometimes feel as though I've been superficial if I turn someone away. But I am reminded to take care of myself too. That is the hardest thing to remember.

I know now why priests and nuns do not marry. They give everything they are to their flocks. I am not so disciplined. I need my family and am grateful to retreat to them when the world seems harsh. My home is my sanctuary. Create a sanctuary for yourself so that you can lift others up when called upon. For you will be called. Will you hear the calling?

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